Gaf! Khāfok is an a priori language intended for a demonic race with no particular inspiration from real-world languages. Its writing system is best described as an alphabet. Khāfok has 23 consonants and 3 vowels in a short-long system.
Basic Morphology
Khāfok is a highly inflected language, strongly preferring suffixes to prefixes and rare usage of particles. Nouns have two classes (animate and inanimate), which decline for four cases. Khāfok verb tense is controlled by the final vowel of the verb. Verbs themselves do not distinguish for person or number.
Basic Syntax
The basic word order in Khāfok is SVO, though unlike English, prepositional phrases are placed at the head of the sentence by default. Word order is not tightly regulated, as nominal cases directly indicate the subject and object of the sentence, though there are some restrictions. Adjectives precede the nouns they modify. Adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions precede the words they describe.
Common Words
human: yamōk
animal: kogaf
work: lofeye
play: chozedhe
big: tēf
small: chamma
one: kā
two: komaza
many: koka
some: e
who: kale
what: lor
yes: yadra
no: khaza
animal: kogaf
work: lofeye
play: chozedhe
big: tēf
small: chamma
one: kā
two: komaza
many: koka
some: e
who: kale
what: lor
yes: yadra
no: khaza
Example Sentences
Yadra ko kevamakhan Khāfok?
yes 2SG.NOM speak-PROG.PRES Khāfok
Do you speak Khāfok?
yes 2SG.NOM speak-PROG.PRES Khāfok
Do you speak Khāfok?
Ke seyēsehan Mark.
My name is Mark.
My name is Mark.
Kema fo lahekakhan zad geyoleteg.
not he hear-PST.IND the scream-PL
He did not hear the screams.
not he hear-PST.IND the scream-PL
He did not hear the screams.
Setting & Usage