Petoof! Tandel is an a priori constructed language inspired by English and other Germanic languages, with additional influences from nonsense word masters, Roald Dahl and Dr. Seuss. It features a strongly recognizable phonology, spelling, and grammar, a morphology between fusional and agglutinative, and an alphabetic writing system.

Interesting Features: Nouns which are possessed must be preceded by a possessive article. Nouns which show possession over another are not marked for number.  For Tandel, a Pig-Latin equivalent was created. Known natively as Tagmaddu ("Treetalk"), it is a secret code travelers use to speak to one another. For every vowel in a word, double it and add ‘t” in between. Double vowels are treated as one vowel. (c.f. molent; motoletent)

Example Sentences
Maal maduute Tandel?
2SG speak-Q Tandel?
Do you speak Tandel?

Se chir zo sfa Mark.
ART.POSS name 2SG.POSS be.3SG.PRS Mark
My name is Mark.

Mee lon cactellej pi pen.
3SG.M not watch-PAST ART.DEF.SG play
He did not see the play.
Setting & Usage
Tandel is featured in Voyages of the Vagabond, a tabletop
roleplaying supplement created by Deep Dungeon Games. 

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